Friday, February 25, 2011

How Tenants Can Outsmart Greedy Landlords

Many landlords pay high prices for rental properties with the expectation that demand  from a growing population base will drive rents up & sustain the higher prices.

But smart 20 something singles are outsmarting landlords & sharing greatly reducing demand for rental flats & houses. 

Landlords may think they can just put rents & people will pay, however tenants may have a few surprises up their sleeves? 

The story below is about flats in Sydney but equally Houses or Units in Perth can be affected in the same way. Read the story below & discover a smarter way to rent & save.

Modern Living: two couples, one flat

Modern living
Johnathan Rutledge, left, and Ceira Mone, with Angela McDougall and Sam Edmond at the Sydney apartment the two couples share. Picture: Alan Pryke Source: The Australian
YOU'RE young, in love and eventually want to buy a house together. You need to save money but don't want to live in the sticks -- and you certainly don't want to live with the in-laws.
There is another option: shack up with another couple. Ceira Mone, 24, and her partner Jonathan Rutledge, 26, share a two-bedroom unit with another couple in Sydney's inner suburb of Waterloo. "We are all in our mid-20s," Mone says. "We know eventually that we want to buy, and if we were paying rent on a one-bedroom unit, we could never do that."
She says the two couples are paying about $630 a week, but a one-bedroom unit would cost her and Rutledge about $500 a week. Sharing, she says, "is the only way to have the same standard of living and save at the same time".
The trend is growing, according to Australia's biggest apartment developer, billionaire Harry Triguboff, who has seen a surge in two couples renting a single apartment as poor affordability also pushes families to compete in the home unit market.

Friday, February 18, 2011

REIWA now Hiding Data on Days Listed & Discounts

REIWA Hiding Data on Days Listed & Discounts

REIWA & Property Spruikers are getting D*E*S*P*E*R*A*T*E ...

Melbourne Cup Rate rises are starting to kick in ... REWIA listings are back over 16,592,  .....

But look closer at the Real Facts Data on the front page of REIWA web site .... Notice Anything??? ...

REIWA has now removed the info about the Number of Days a Property is Listed on the market before it sells & they have also Removed the info on Discount off listing price given to achieve a sale?.....

You have to wonder WHY??? ...

Because the numbers show the true state of what the property market is actually doing .....

This data gives buyers a useful guide to how the property market is actually performing.

REIWA has always  also published this info on their Website &  in both Community Newspapers & Saturdays West Australian (Click on Image below to enlarge)

The numbers have always been there for buyers to make informed decisions.

But because this information now paints a bleak picture of the Perth Property market REWIA has chosen to remove info on & keep the bad news that the property market is in distress & falling from  potential buyers.

have a look at the image above
1) Number of Days a typical property is listed before selling. *
2) Average discounts off original listing price given to attract a sale.*

(* These numbers can be corrupted by our Unscrupulous Realty Industry see how they do this further down) 

REWIA have replaced this with Rental info instead (Vacancy Rate & Median Rents)

People dont want or need rental info ... But REWIA dont want you to know the true state of the market.

When markets were booming they rejoiced in publishing this data (24 Days on Market before selling or 1% discount on listed prices) but now they seek to hide this from buyers to try & pull the wool over their eyes.

Earlier I mentioned the realty industry corrupts the date they put out for Days on Market & Average Discounts.

*Last reported number by REWIA were on the 2nd Feb 2011 they were 
71 Days on Market (Actual number reported by Realty insiders is over 100 days)
6.3% Discount on Listed price (Actual number reported by Realty insiders is closes to 11%)

This is How REIWA hide the real numbers  
If I list a property with Agent "A" for $1 million on the 1st Jan.2010  It stays on the market, it has many home opens but no offers & Time flies by.
It is now March 1st & Agent "A" suggests we drop the price to meet the market & we reduce it to $950K for a further 6 weeks to see how many fish we catch. But still no nibbles.

Vendors think Agent "A" might be the problem so don't renew our listing with them but shop around for a different agent.

4 days pass it is now 11th April 2010 & the Vendors give the listing to Agent "B" who suggests that they might have missed the boat by listing too high in the first time & not to make the same mistake again.

He informs the Vendors that  the market has turned softer in the last 3-4 months & suggests they list at $899K to pull in some offers / buyers .....

4 weeks pass & Vendors hit pay dirt & attract a offer for $875K on the 11th May 2010.

So what do you think REWIA should  record as Number of Days listed & Discount on Asking price?

A) Listed for 131 Days before selling @ A Discount on asking price of 12.5% to attract a sale.

B) Listed for 30 days before selling @ A Discount on asking price of 2.6% to attract a sale.

The above example is quite common in todays market but the stats are vastly different :

131 days Vs 30 Days
12.5% Discount Vs 2.6% Discount

I think the answer should be  A) it did take 131 days & a 12.5% discount off asking prices to achieve a sale & this is what should be reported? because quite clearly this is what has happened?.

No REWIA say B) because the second listing is a fresh listing & everything should be measured from this point?

Now listings are back up to a Unbelieviable 16,592 listings & Climbing ....The Shadow Inventory adds a further 5,000 listings to this number making the number of listings for sale to over 21,600 & with Perth sales running at under 18,000 pa {Based on last 6 months sales} This leaves Perth with over 14 months stock... A normal market is under 4.5 months stock to sales at the Peak in 2006 this number was under 3.3 months ..... No wonder Land developers have started Slashing Land Prices also with discounts from $20K - $80K hidden as bonuses & rebates Very Sly ?? Why hide pricing?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Who Believes This Garbage?

 Can anyone seriously believe this crap!!

Anyone have any doubts that our property markets will implode need only read the logic this SPRUIKER touts. Imaging how many stupid investors people like this have put into the market inflating prices?

(I have added my comments in RED next to the claims this idiot makes)

Today I'd like to share six simple reasons most investors never get
                    rich in property and how to make sure you do.

Michael Yardney

Having worked with hundreds and hundreds of property investors over the years, I discovered that successful investors do things in a certain way that helps them become rich while others continue do things differently and in general they tend to struggle.

I’ve come to the conclusion that when you do what most successful investors do, you get to become one of them, and if you don't - you won’t.

With 2011 panning out to be a more difficult year in property, let’s look at six simple reasons most people will never get rich and how to make sure you do:

Reason 1 – Most people wait too long to start:

Most people can’t wait to succeed; yet they are willing to wait to get started on the road to riches.

(Nice Cliche)

Many investors are waiting for everything to be “perfect” before they get going.  They wait for the right time in the cycle, the right property, the right economic environment or the right interest rates. Which means they never get going.
( I am trying to get you to question yourself as to why you have not acted ? why do you hesitate?)

The longer you wait to get started with your investing, the longer it will be before you get the money, success and freedom you want. It takes time to grow real wealth. It takes time for the power of compounding to work its magic.

(Stop thinking just act on impulse, act now do it now, hurry , hurry panic , you are missing out)

You need to understand that the timing will never be perfect or you will never have all the information you want. You need to develop the confidence to make an investment decision based on knowing enough and realising that you will learn the rest along the way.

(I cant afford for you to wait I need you to buy now forget about the facts buy now so I get my commission)

By the way…I’ll be explaining a lot more when it is the right time and where to invest including where we are in the property cycle at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March.
(I have all the knowledge you need I have all the answers no need to seek a second opinion I have the answers)
Click here for more details and reserve your seats now.

Reason 2 - Fear stops them

Fear keeps many of us from getting what we want, especially in matters of money. It’s true for me and it’s true for you.
( Some people call this prudent caution but I will use words like FEAR to  make you think you are irrational!!)
Be honest with yourself and count the number of times fear has prevented you from taking action, and in the process cost you a lost financial opportunity.
( Let me try & put self doubt in your mind, dont think about the times this Prudent thinking saved your ARSE!!)
In the matter of property investment fear holds many investors back. Some fear taking on more debt, others fear failure and some even have a fear of success (will my friends still like me?).
(Again doubt your own common sense just jump in with both feet or else you are a Fearful Coward!!)
Successful investors have learned to harness their fears and rather than focus on the negatives, they use fear to force them into positive action. For example, rather than allowing fear of debt to stop them taking on the commitment of buying a property they use the fear of not moving forward with their investments to motivate them. They use the fear of being stuck in their job for the rest of their lives, without the financial independence that they are craving, to motivate them to take on the commitment of an investment property.

(CRAP! Successful investors focus on the negatives " What Can Go Wrong" "What if Unemployment Rises " " How Will I manage if Interest Rates Rise" this is not Fear this is Prudent behavior but he needs you to doubt yourself he needs you to think that it is only fear holding you back not the prudent behavior of a Successful Investor) 
Just like a river, fear can be bridged. The river of fear is only as deep and as wide as you allow it to be. And once you’ve crossed that river of fear and experienced the success on the other side, you usually look back and wonder why you were ever afraid.

(If I say fear often enough you will be conditioned to think that it is fear holding you back & not common sense)

But here’s the catch. The only people who actually realise this are those who have crossed the river and stand on the other side. Money and success lives on the other side of fear. In fact I’ll be discussing a bit about the psychology of success and how sophisticated investors think differently at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March.
(Another Pitch that HE have all the answers. leave your fears & common sense behind & let me rip you off)
Reason 3 - Waiting until they know enough

The fear of not knowing enough prevents other investors from getting started.
(Must use that word FEAR again said often enough it becomes a fact  I will make you doubt yourself)
However the irony here is that the more you learn, the more you learn you don't know! Once you start learning some basic investment concepts you suddenly realise there are a whole lot more things about investing or property that you don’t understand.

(I need you to doubt your own abilities & rely on me for as your only source of information)

That's the paradox of knowledge. The more you learn, the more you learn you don't know. The trap is that many investors think that the way to escape this paradox is to learn even more, so they read more books, go to more seminars, listen to CD’s and watch DVD’s. As they learn more they find a whole heap more things they don’t yet know.

(And the IRONY is I am asking you to do exactly this & attend my information seminar How 's that for  a PARADOX ... Jesus if you keep learning you will soon realise I am FULL OF SHIT? Stop learning please!!)

The key is to recognise that while you don't know it all, and you never will, you do know enough to get started with your investing and you will learn more along the way as you apply your knowledge in the real world, surviving any mistakes and challenges along the way.
( The last thing I need you to do is to look into things yourself & get some other perspectives , That would never work for me . I need you to have a blank mind on the topic just trust in me I have all the knowledge you will ever need I have all the answers, I will be your source of everything you need to know about property. Fuck I will never make money if you looked into things for yourself)
Reason 4 - Focusing on linear income instead of passive income:

It is important to realise that not all income is created equal. Some streams are linear and some are passive.

(Have to say some Mumbo -Jumbo to make it look like I am knowledgeable)

Linear income is what you get from a job. You work for an hour and get paid once for that hour's work, and that's it. If you don’t turn up to work you don’t get paid.
(Time to state the obvious? )
Passive income is when you work once but continue to get paid over and over again from work you're no longer doing. The way to become wealthy is having passive income coming in whether you go to work or not.
(This includes Bank Deposits / Superannuation / Blue Chip Company Shares all these also are Passive investments but I wont mention that to you because I need you to buy property investment schemes from me so I can make a MOTZA of your gullibility)
Wouldn’t it be nice to be paid hundreds of times for every hour you work?

(Every Investment dose that, nothing that special about property, except that generally property investing relies solely on strong capital gains & if these gains are not there you will make JACK SHIT but I won't mention this)

That’s what happens to property investors. Initially they work long hours, save up a deposit and then invest it into a property. Now their money starts working for them and keeps giving them sound investment returns “passively” in the form of capital growth and rental returns.  Rather than getting another job, the wealthy people know they need to send their money out to work for them.
(Put your deposit into property & then keep putting more money into it as it makes a loss every year hoping for a capital gain sometime in the future? Actually wealthy people dont invest in property because Tax Office records show that 80% of property investors in Australia have a reported taxable income of less than $72,000 hardly wealthy but I will use this as a example to impress you)

To put it simply: if you're not making money while you sleep, you'll never become rich.

(I know your money in a Bank / Shares / Super Fund is earning you money 24/7 but I will never remind you of that because I dont make a Buck of them)

Together with 3 other property, tax and finance experts we’ll be teaching participants the exact methods we’ve used to grow our own wealth through property at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March. 

(These FINANCING EXPERTS will never tell you to about the dangers of Property investing & the Pitfalls , Nor will they cover the Topic of putting all your eggs in one basket, If they did I would not get Paid? ... and the whle point of this is for you to join up & pay us)

Click here
for more details and reserve your seats now.

Reason 5 - Not using systems for making money:

A system for making money is something that takes the emotion out of your investment decisions and makes the results more reproducible.

My preferred system is investing in high growth property. In particular I invest in high growth properties in areas that are in the upturn stage of their property cycle. I buy them below replacement cost and then add value through renovations or redevelopment. I rarely sell these properties. I borrow against the increasing equity in my property portfolio to buy more properties.
(Elsewhere this is called a PONZI Scheme but I will call it investing. I will always talk about High Growth because it happened before it will happen again.)

Once you create a proven system for making money, there is no limit to the money you can make.
I know I’ve already told you, but I think that the changes in the market are so important that I’ll mention it again – I will lay out my system for you – step by step – when you join me and 3 other experts at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March.

Click here
for more details and reserve your seats now.

Reason 6 - Not being patient:

Warren Buffet once said: “wealth is the transfer of money from the impatient to the patient”.
(Fuck me now I will invoke the name of Warren Buffet & bask in his success & have you thing I am in this league)

To become a successful property investor requires patience and persistence. You must not only get started, but you must continue on and follow through.
(But why start now in a declining market? ... You have to start now I need to keep earning a income I cant afford for you to wait for better market conditions I need to convince you to start YESTERDAY!! Fuck me have you not being paying attention this is about be earning a income )
Residential property is a long-term investment. It’s not a get rich quick scheme.
(Oh I Beg to Differ dial some random numbers in Las Vegas USA see what they think with prices down 75%)
Yet many investors speculate rather than invest. They look for that “big deal” which will land them a jackpot in a short period of time. In general these types of deals rarely occur and if you find one, it will likely be speculative in nature and more risky.
( Again I cant wait for you to find a Big deal or wait till the market stabilises, how do you expect me to eat?)
The problem for many investors is that the successful buy and hold strategy I advocate is boring and others consider it slow. But successful property investment is a long-term affair.
(Ummm Because if you invested in 2006-2007 you have still not made a single dollar by 2011 in fact you have made massive loses each year but I need to remind you that property is long term & not about timing!!)
Many investors look for the latest fad or try finding the next hot spot or speculative growth areas. Other investors consider other types of investments with potentially higher returns.
(Cant have you think for yourself I need you to come along & let me put you into property that I am going to earn a commission on)
When you are tempted to do this, remind yourself that real estate has been the number one long-term multi-millionaire maker throughout Australia’s history, yet most people that speculate in the latest fads have not made much money.
(Bullshit it has but if I say it you will believe it without even chccking to see if what I am saying is CRAP ...)
You don’t have to look for the latest fads or the latest speculative growth areas if you create your own capital growth through buying a good property at a fair price, then adding value through refurbishments, renovations or redevelopments. By doing this you are manufacturing your own capital growth.
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
The problem is that currently I’m seeing so many beginning investors so desperate to get a foothold in the market and others so keen to grow their portfolios, that they are making some fundamental errors. I’ll be discussing the 4 sure fire ways to lose money in property in 2011 and how to avoid these mistakes that around 25% of investors are making at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March.

Click here
for more details and reserve your seats now.

So, it's really quite simple...
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
Decide to do these six things that successful property investors do and you are much more likely to become a successful and wealthy property investor. If you don't do them, then like most people, you may never get rich.
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
Here’s a bonus reason for you…

Another reason so many investors fail is that they try and do it all themselves. The inconvenient truth is that there is no such thing as a self-made millionaire.

Successful investors build a great team around them and have mentors and models – they learn from people that have already achieved what they want to achieve. They look for people who give them independent unbiased advice and that's what Rolf Schaefer, Ed Chan, Ken Raiss and I will be doing at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March.

Click here for more details and reserve your seats now.

This is your opportunity to let 4 of Australia's leading experts show you how to create a plan to become financially free through property without all the hype, nonsense and unfounded promises?

“The ultra-successful always use downturns to create wealth….knowing that average Australians sit in fear waiting for the recovery” 

(Oh better just instil that FEAR Factor in case you forget)

You have the choice of which group to model… sitting on the sidelines waiting for the great certainty that never appears (the masses) or Taking Action on Opportunities that are hidden in every economic condition (the ultra-successful).
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
If you think you have heard it all before and that this information is nothing need this more than anyone! You stop stop earning. We guarantee there will be several things we reveal that you are not doing and you should be.
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
Spend one intensive day with Australia's leading property, tax and finance experts and we'll give you answers to your property investment questions at my National Market Update - Outlook for Property Investors 2011 and beyond seminars around Australia in March.
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
Click here for more details and reserve your seats now – these sessions book out quickly.
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
Have a great week…make it a great week.
( I & I alone have all the knowledge that you will ever need, no need to look into it for yourself just come to me & I will sort it all out for you ..,just look at my Photo would this face give you wrong advice?)
Metropole Property Strategists

Head Office:
Level 2, 181 Bay Street Brighton Vic 3186
Phone: (03) 9591 8888
Offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
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P.S. Your chance to attend an event like this doesn’t come along every day. If you’re serious about achieving success in the next 12 months, this is your perfect opportunity to do it. Secure your seats now!